Back to normal, at last!

After a summer of out-of-town work, Tony is home and life could get back to “normal.” But, like the pandemic, this summer taught me a valuable lesson…

  1. I can do the laundry.

“Normally” it’s easier for Tony to carry those heavy bags to the laundromat. But I found a way to get it done!

  1. I can open the windows.

“Normally” it’s easier to ask Tony to open the ones that stick. But trying them increased my arm strength, so I can get that done, too!

  1. I can unlock the gate to the garbage cans.

“Normally,” it’s easier for Tony to open that big lock, wide jar tops, etc. But new hand exercises mean I can do those things, too!

You get the point: there are things that I could do but don’t, just because it’s easier, which threatens my long-term sustainability!

Reorganized Religion: The Reshaping of the American Church and Why it Matters by Bob Smietana, also carries a similar lesson. As people or churches, we’ve got to adjust to do what we want to do, need to do, are called to do in order to have sustainable life. Want to read it with me?



About Rev. Beth Perry

Rev. Beth Perry is a church consultant, leading online workshops and trainings on everything from Safe Sanctuary to mysticism, digital ministry to spiritual gifts. She has been faculty for the University of Phoenix's Jersey City Campus for the past 9 years and for Mercy College this year.
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